
Greetings to all you fabulous people!

If you are wondering how this blog came about, here it is:

Inspired by “Hector and the Search for Happiness” and the series of activities I was involved while doing my last semester in college, I decided that I should stop procrastinating (or being lazy) and share those thoughts that have been sitting in my mind. Though positive, thoughts remain as they are unless converted to actions. Don’t you think that makes perfect sense? Besides, sharing makes me happy and at the same time having it all penned down reminds me of things that generate happiness!

In this blog, you will find me learning to appreciate life and some most random things, in search of greater happiness to live a more fulfilling life. At the same time, it would be my honor if I manage to spark some inspiration, no matter how tiny, in your lives and perhaps make your day or make you smile a little more than usual.

Not convinced? Look, each day passes be it a miserable or good one. Why don’t we choose the latter and make things easier and more enjoyable for us? Make the right choice folks, well, at least try to!

Share your thoughts with me!